
Well, here you are, at my blog. Possibly revisiting or maybe it's your first time to see my blog. Let's get some things out of the way first. I'm not blogging to be popular, I'm blogging as a hobby and because my friends insist I'm good at it. We'll see about that.

I also apologise in advance for any inside jokes that are likely to occur in my blogs...and spelling mistakes.

I hope you enjoy my blogs as much as I enjoy writing them. Please do leave some comments; criticism is welcome as long as it's not too harsh. I guess that's it.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Blogging, Paul. Paul, Blogging.

Okay, if I'm honest this isn't my first attempt at keeping a blog. I had a go once before but I shall never again reference it so don't ask.

To begin my blog I decided to tell you a little bit about myself. My names Paul, I'm 17 and I'm Irish. I live music, mostly classics; The Beatles, Thin Lizzy etc. At the moment I'm listening to Dire Straits so I have to stop writing every now and again for a bit of air guitar. I managed to type two words during Money For Nothing. A record.
I also play drums in a band with a few mates. Nothing big...yet.

As for blogging, I try to update it as much as I can but because of my internet connection that's not always possible

*Shakes fist at dongle*

Also, I get distracted easily.



Right, back to blogging! I'll do my best to keep this going, exciting prospect. If you'd prefer, you can follow me with my more condensed blogs I like to call 'tweets' here. Anyway, enjoy!



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